It's Friday, so here's a big round-up of calls for submissions we've received this week--students, faculty, alumni looking for places to send your work, check these out!
Fugue Literary Journal, a magazine run by English and Creative Writing
graduate students at the University of Idaho, Moscow, is currently
open for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry submissions.
Fugue has just celebrated their 25th anniversary last year, and continues to publish quality writing from new and established writers.
For full submission guidelines and to browse last year's magazine,
please visit their website at
Gambling the Aisle announces their first chapbook contest, open to both fiction and poetry submissions. Prize: Publication, 25 copies (sent upon publication). Five runners-up
will receive recognition in the winter edition of Gambling the Aisle, a
free copy of both the Winter 2013 issue and the winning chapbook.
For full contest details and to submit, visit
Poor Yorick: A Journal of Rediscovered Objects is now accepting submissions for its online launch scheduled
for the fall of 2014. They welcome entries "in any and every literary
genre, and from any visual or audio medium, including, but not limited
to, poems, stories, essays, profiles, digital video shorts, photoessays,
scholarly articles, songs, short plays, and innovative writing and
productions about lost objects and images of material culture:
sculptures and paintings in the back rooms of museums or in hidden
corners of public spaces; murals forgotten in plain view; lost
photographic archives and restored films; newly discovered letters or
manuscripts; knickknacks in attics; oddities and curiosities in
misbegotten sideshows; forgotten stories that remind us of pasts that we
cannot afford to forget." Please see for more information and submission guidelines.
White Stag is a biannual journal publishing poetry and
flash fiction from well-known and new writers. "We offer the literary
community a uniquely distinct taste for dark comedy, phantasmagoric
imagery, complete dishonesty, and love poems to die for (and yes, pun is
intended and strongly encouraged). White Stag strives to publish only
the deepest emotion, the rawest of images, and the most unique language
and syntax." Please go to: for submission prompt and guidelines.
Water~Stone Review announces the 2014 Judith Kitchen Prize in Creative
Nonfiction. The winner will receive $1000 and publication in
Water~Stone Review. All submissions should be original, unpublished work. Submissions accepted
October 1-December 1, 2013.
Literary nonfiction submissions only. An entry fee of $20 (check made payable to Water~Stone Review) must
accompany your manuscript. Entry fee includes a one-year subscription.
Submit online at
New Delta Review is seeking to increase the presence of the nonfiction
genre in its literary magazine. They are interested in personal essays
that either elevate the form or challenge it through experimentation. They
accept both online and print submissions (6,000 word limit). To be
considered for the Winter 2013 edition, please send work by October 22,
2013. For more information:
New Delta Review is also opening submissions for their annual chapbook
competition, judged this year by acclaimed poet and novelist Mark
Yakich. NDR is looking for brilliant, inventive,
mind-bending manuscripts of unpublished poetry, fiction, or hybrid
work. The winner will receive a $100 prize and 20 complimentary copies
of the chapbook, to be published in the spring of 2014.
Deadline for entry is
December 2, 2013. All submissions require a $15 entry fee and must be sent through submittable: Manuscripts should be 20-40 pages in length.
ROAR Magazine, a print literary journal dedicated to providing a space to showcase women's fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry, is now accepting submissions for their 2014 Spring issue. For detailed guidelines, please visit our website at