Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Max Somers Featured on Verse Daily

Illinois alum Max Somers is the featured poet today at Verse Daily! His poem "Nocturne," featured at the site, was originally published in Third Coast.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Calls for submissions and opportunities for writers, 11/15

  NO INFINITE is a new journal of poetry, art, and protest published at UMass Boston. Submission deadline is November 24--submissions may be sent to noinfinitejournal@gmail.com

The deadline for the Walt Whitman first book award has been extended to December 1, 2013. The Walt Whitman award is an annual prize given to a U.S. poet who has not yet published a collection of poetry. The award includes publication, a $5000 honorarium, and a one-month residency at the Vermont Studio Center. This year's judge is Rae Armentrout. For complete guidelines and submission information, visit http://www.poets.org/

HOLD, a new literary journal published out of Oakland, California, is now accepting submissions for the first issue. The theme for this first issue is MAGIC. MAGIC? The strange, the everyday, the deep sea, outer space, witches, spells, the moon, sunsets, the unknown, science, mysteries, getting out of bed in the morning. Accepted forms are oems, stories, essays, interviews, visual art, telegrams, candygrams, photographs, sculptures, anything that speaks to the magical.

Send all submissions as attachment (.doc, .docx, .pdf, and .rtf [.jpg for visual art, please]) with a cover letter to holdajournal@gmail.com. In the subject line include the category that best describes your submission and title of your piece (eg. FICTION: the hour of the star). There are no word limits per se, but really, most work should be under 4,000 words. You can send us up to five poems. Make sure all of the poems are in one document and make sure that document is under ten pages. Visit holdajournal.com

Wordrunner eChapbooks publishes four online collections annually of fiction, poetry, or memoir, each featuring one author, and the occasional anthology. Submissions are open for the December 2013 memoir/personal narrative e-chapbook from October 1 through November 30, 2013.

At least 1/4 of the collection should be previously unpublished. No fee to submit. Payment: $65.

Detailed guidelines are posted at www.echapbook.com/submissions.htm

Memorious: A Journal of New Verse & Fiction (www.memorious.org) seeks a fiction editor to join the staff of our literary magazine as we enter our second decade of publishing poetry and fiction online. Please visit our blog for details about the position and application instructions (please note that this is a volunteer position): http://memoriousmag.wordpress.com/2013/10/30/fiction-editor-wanted/

The Press 53 Award for Short Fiction will be awarded to an outstanding, unpublished collection of short stories. This contest is open to any writer, regardless of his or her publication history, provided the manuscript is written in English and the author lives in the United States. The Press 53 Award for Short Fiction includes publication by Press 53 of the winning short story collection; $1000 cash advance; travel expenses to Press 53 headquarters for a reading/book launch party at the Community Arts Café in downtown Winston-Salem, NC, on Friday, October 17, 2014; and attendance as our special guest to the Press 53/Prime Number Magazine Gathering of Writers on Saturday, October 18, 2014.

Submission period: September 1 – December 31, 2013. Reading Fee: $30. For complete details, visit: http://www.press53.com/Press_53_Award_for_Short_Fiction.html

Poets are invited register for the 2014 Austin International Poetry Festival and to submit up to 3 poems (no longer than 32 lines) for 's 2014 Anthology competition.  Each year, AIPF produces a stunning anthology that publishes some of the finest poems and poets in the Country and beyond.   For further information about registration and submission details for the anthology competition please visit www.aipf.org. The 2014 festival will be held April 3-6.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Calls for submissions 11/8

Cooper Dillon Books, a poetry press run by U of I alum Adam Deutsch, is accepting submissions of full-length and chapbook poetry manuscripts. For complete guidelines and to submit, visit cooperdillon.com/submissions.html

The deadline for the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival's 6th Annual Fiction Contest is November 15. The winner will receive a $1500 honorarium, publication in Louisiana Literature, and an invitation to read at the New Orleans Literary Festival, airfare and accommodations included. To submit, visit http://con13.tennesseewilliams.net/fiction-contest/

The ninth annual Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize is now open for submissions. The deadline is December 1st. The prize is given annually for a poetry collection by an author who has published no more than one previous collection, and rewards the winner with a purse of $3,000, publication on both sides of the Atlantic, and a reading with the judge at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington D.C. More information and submissions guidelines are available at

The deadline for the Crab Orchard Review's Special Issue Feature Awards is November 15th. One winner will be chosen in each category: Fiction, Poetry, and Literary Nonfiction. The special issue's theme is "The West Coast and Beyond." More information is available at https://craborchardreview.

The Popcorn Farm, a new journal dedicated to film-inspired poetry, short stories, and essays, is now accepting submissions. Complete guidelines are available at

Compose: A Journal of Simply Good Writing is now accepting fiction, poetry, nonfiction and artwork for their Spring 2014 issue. Submission guidelines: http://composejournal.com/submissions/

The Vermillion Literary Project (VLP) at the University of South Dakota is
currently seeking submissions of poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction
for its April 2014 issue of the VLP magazine, the University's only
student-produced literary journal. The deadline is December 15. For submission guidelines, visit

Friday, November 1, 2013

calls for submissions 11/1

Bird's Thumb, a new online literary journal devoted to publishing new and emerging writers, is accepting submissions of poetry, short stories, and essays. For complete guidelines, visit birdsthumb.org

Waxing Press is accepting submissions of full-length fiction manuscripts for the inaugural Tide Lock Prize. The submissions may be in the form of a novel, a novella, or a collection of short stories. Deadline is February 1, 2014. For complete guidelines, visit waxingpress.com.

Dzanc Books is currently accepting entries to its sixth annual Short Story Collection competition. The winning manuscript will be published in late 2016, and the author will receive a $1000 advance. Deadline is January 31. Entries are also still being accepted for the  Dzanc Nonfiction Competition. For complete guidelines and to submit to either contest, visit www.dzancbooks.org/submissions/.

Faultline: Journal of Arts and Letters is currently seeking submissions for its Spring 2014 issue. Complete submission guidelines can be found at faultline.sites.uci.edu/submit/

Bluestem, Eastern Illinois University's literary journal, is seeking fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. For guidelines and to submit, visit www.bluestemmagazine.com

The 2014 Colorado Prize for Poetry is accepting submissions of full-length poetry manuscripts. The winner will receive a $2000 honorarium and publication by the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University. Deadline is January 14, 2014. For complete guidelines, visit coloradoreview.colostate.edu/colorado-prize-for-poetry/